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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Gregory

Get to know Mantha!

Hi! Welcome to wow can't believe I can say that!

I have always wanted to start a website for "munchin" and now I have. I am excited to start "blogging" and posting online to reach more people with my love for food and all things of the food blogger world. Let's get to know Samantha Gregory a little bit!

You are probably wondering where Mantha came from. When I was in 8th grade someone at school started calling me Mantha because there was already a Sam at school so they took the other half of the name Samantha.

During my freshman year of college I wanted to start a "foodsta" (food instagram) and to have a catchy name Munchin with Mantha worked! Now my friends refer to Munchin as a separate person from Mantha.

My first few posts were just random things I ate and random places I went so I just would post things most of them unedited with poor captions and then a few months later more and more things were happening and I was getting reposted to Arkansas food blogs with 20K+ followers! Local restaurants I loved in Fayetteville, AR were reaching out to me to repost things and commenting when I went to their restaurants!

To the left is my first restaurant post at a local (and the only) sushi place in Magnolia, AR. No edits, short caption and that was about it.

One of the biggest events was in January of 2019 when Tacos 4 Life Grill reached out to me to come review their food. I made a big deal about it to my friends and family and probably posted about it 15+ times on my story and a few times on my grid. Some people thought I just went there and took pictures of the food and asked the employees for a review or promo, but they invited me. It was crazy. My relationship with Tacos 4 Life Grill has been the start of many more. Getting invited to BITE NWA food festival and working with my friend Darby for her movie review instagram (@darbywatchesmovies go check her out btw).

During this crazy time I thought what better time than to start a website and blog! So excited to be doing this and I can't wait to share more ideas, recipes, food I love, and more restaurants I love with all of you! Let's get this started!

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